*Note- Whole KERVA grains must be rolled or crimped before feeding
KERVA can be applied to stored, dried or dead grain (grains that are no longer actively respiring), however water will need to be added. Contact you KERVA representative for further advice.
Apr 17, 2019: https://www.agriland.ie/farming-news/new-grain-treatment-reduces-acidosis-and-improves-animal-health/
Jun 10, 2019: https://www.agriland.ie/farming-news/new-grain-treatment-sees-higher-intakes-better-growth-rates-and-fat-scores-in-cattle/
July 25, 2020: Testimonial- Farmers Journal
August 1, 2020: Kerva- Irish Farmer Journal
August 04, 2020: https://www.agriland.ie/farming-news/maximise-home-grown-grains-with-kerva/
Application rate 20Kgs of KERVA applied to 1 tonne of freshly harvested grain within a moisture range of 14% to 22%